5 beauty tips with argan oil that you must try!




Often called "golden liquid", argan oil is an organic product extracted from the grains of the argan tree. It is extremely rich in beneficial nutrients, including fatty acids and vitamin E. Its properties make it particularly beneficial for the hair and skin.


Argan oil is a popular cosmetic choice for many celebrities. But it is not only the rich and famous who can enjoy the benefits of this oil. We present some of its most common uses that you can also put into practice.

1. Moisturizing skin:  

Argan oil is most often used as a moisturizer to soften the skin.

With its wealth of vitamin E and fatty acids, argan oil is the ideal product to give the skin a natural boost. It is easily absorbed and is non-greasy and non-irritating, making it an excellent natural moisturizer.

It is easy to use all over the body, including the face and neck. Just apply a few drops to your skin and rub it with gentle movements, as you usually do all over your body with other lotions.

2. Conditioner for hair:

Argan oil is known to make hair softer, silky and shinier. It is the ideal hair conditioner, and it can even help treat kinky hair. The use of argan oil to condition your hair is extremely easy.

3. Anti-aging:

Not only does Argan Oil act as an effective moisturizer, it can also give the skin a youthful glow by reducing the visibility of wrinkles. Its antioxidant effect makes it an ideal anti-aging product. It restores elasticity and leaves the skin plump and softer.

The best way to apply argan oil for the most important anti-aging effects is to massage a few drops on your face and neck before bed. It acts as both a moisturizer and anti-aging.

4. Conditioning dry skin:

People suffering from dry skin or conditions such as eczema that can leave skin rough, scaly and itchy, will greatly benefit from argan oil.

The fatty acids and vitamin E of argan oil are excellent for repairing damaged skin and providing nutrients that will prevent dryness and irritation. Argan oil also contains ingredients that soothe the skin.

Applying a small amount of oil directly to the skin, followed by a gentle massage can relieve and promote healing.

5. Protection and healing:

Where many moisturizing oils and creams can exacerbate skin problems such as acne, argan oil soothes the skin. Antioxidants in argan oil are generally beneficial for irritated, cracked, damaged or even burned skin.

It is better to use as a preventive for dry skin, but it can also be used to accelerate healing. Its properties include reduction of inflammation, soothing pain and increased healing rate.



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