5 natural treatment to eliminate bags under the eyes and dark circles

Millions of people around the world face a common problem every day after getting out of bed: dark circles and bags under the eyes. This is a problem of appearance that can be quite boring and disturbing, and that can change the overall appearance of the face by giving an individual a tired and aged appearance.


Dark circles appear as a result of stress and sleep disturbances, which means that if you have spent the night looking at your phone or computer screen, you will not be able to look cool in the morning. Allergies and medications are another factor that plays an important role in dark circles too.

But be aware that there is a way to deal with these aspect problems in a natural and effective way and there is more than one way to do it!

       1. Sweet potatoes

It is well known that sweet potatoes are high in starch and have powerful whitening properties. It is a vegetable rich in water, which makes it an excellent moisturizer and softener for the skin. In addition to all this, it can treat inflammation.

All you have to do is cut thick pieces of sweet potato, keep them in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and then apply them under your eyes. Let them sit for 15 minutes before removing them and you'll notice the big difference.

       2. Cucumbers

Cucumber is an anti-inflammatory moisturizing vegetable that gives incredible results when used regularly. Just cut a few slices of cucumber, apply them under the eyes and replace the older ones with new ones. Repeat this process for 20 minutes and the results will shake you.

        3. Green tea

If there is one thing in green tea that is excellent it is its ability to conserve water, making it an excellent detoxifying and anti-inflammatory agent. Just drink 2 cups of green tea in the morning and at dinner.

You can also soak 2 bags of green tea in hot water, take out the liquid and apply them under your eyes.

      4. Cow's milk or goat's milk

Beauty experts suggest dipping 2 cotton balls in cold milk and applying them under the eyes. The milk will work wonders for the skin in the next 15 minutes where you will keep the cotton balls on your eyeballs before rinsing well.

      5. The apples

The combination of oats and fresh apple pieces in a thick dough is an excellent blend. Put down for 15 minutes on the face, can do wonders for your skin and relax your muscles.

Additional tips:

  • Sleep enough during the night, because fatigue is the first cause of dark circles.

  • Avoid consuming too much salt

  • Being physically active

  • Drink plenty of water all day

  • Avoid too much sun exposure

  • Avoid bad cosmetics

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes all the time




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