6 natural ways to reduce wrinkles on the face


For many people, wrinkles are only part of natural aging. They form on the face, especially the forehead. The folds resembling branches near the eyes become more prominent by the usual muscular contractions. 


Smiling, frowning and squinting can make them more visible. Other factors such as sun exposure, skin care and heredity can also play a role in development.

Although wrinkles can be a guarantee of a life well lived, many want to limit their presence. If you want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, here are some natural remedies.

1- Facial gymnastics

Facial Gymnastics has been proven to increase blood flow to the skin and stretch your face to reduce the lines formed by repetitive facial movements.

Stretch your mouth in a closed smile position. Hold the pose for 2 seconds.

Act as if you are going to kiss someone. Hold for 2 seconds. Pull your lips forward holding them for 2 seconds.

Repeat this cycle 20 times to stretch and strengthen the muscles in your face. This targets the deep lines around the mouth.

2- Massage

The circulation movement helps to maintain good circulation, which leads to strengthened and firm skin. Simply massage your face in a circular motion slowly. Take care to massage your most affected areas including your neck. Improving blood flow will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent the development of new wrinkles.

3- Ice

Using ice on your face can significantly improve deep wrinkles. Again, this improves circulation, which makes it difficult to loosen and crease the skin. To use it, rub a small cube of ice around your face for 15 to 20 seconds. The refreshing effect provides a pleasant sensation and also rejuvenates the stagnant skin.

4- Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a simple but effective remedy. It acts to moisturize the skin, which can delay the formation of wrinkles. Simply apply the gel of the plant on the face. Allow the gel to permeate the face 10-15 minutes before washing.

5- Banana

Banana does a lot of good things for the skin. Vitamin A helps reduce the appearance of brown spots. Vitamin B acts to prevent aging, Vitamin E protects against harmful UV rays that can cause wrinkles and potassium moisturizes the skin. Simply mix a banana puree with a teaspoon of orange juice and a teaspoon of plain yoghurt. Apply on face and let stand 20 minutes before washing.

6- The eggs

Egg whites are a good option for fighting wrinkles. They temporarily tighten the skin and regular application can help reduce the appearance of sagging skin. All you have to do is apply the egg whites to the wrinkled areas and wait for them to dry before removing them. Take care to use a moisturizer because overexposure can lead to dry skin.


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