Do you want to quit? Follow these tips that should help you achieve this!


Tobacco is responsible for more deaths than car accidents, alcohol, suicide, illegal drugs and fires combined. In the United States alone, more than 400,000 people die each year from tobacco-related illnesses.


We all know how harmful cigarettes are to our health, yet many of us find it too hard to quit. However, even if it is difficult, it is absolutely possible to eliminate this toxic presence of our lives.


Motivations to push you to stop smoking:  

Here are some motivations to help you quit:


1. Recovering health: One of the best motivations for quitting smoking is knowing that we will regain our health and vitality.


2. Reduce toxins: Thousands of chemicals accompany each puff; By giving up, we are eliminating a major source of harmful toxins for our organism and also for our environment.


3. Financial economy: Today cigarettes are heavily taxed. For someone who smokes a pack a day, it can mean saving thousands of dollars a year.


4. Pregnancy: For smokers, the children you give birth to will be directly affected by everything you consume. Their well-being is reason enough to quit.


5. Serve as a model: Knowing the risks of smoking, there is doubt that there is someone who wants his child to become a smoker. By quitting smoking, we become better role models for them.


Herbs and plants to help you quit smoking:  


These are some herbs and plants among many others, they can help the process of abandonment. It is :


1. Catnip: It helps to reduce anxiety and irritability and can be taken as tea infusion.


2. Lobelia: Also known as Indian tobacco, it is a plant that can be very useful for stopping smoking. However, it is a powerful herb that must be taken with care. High doses may cause nausea and vomiting. Do not take if you have heart disease, convulsions, or if you recover from shock.


3. Molène: This is another herb that helps the lungs heal and acts to promote a sense of calm and calming.


4. Calamus (Acorus calamus): It is also a useful herb to help the lungs heal and reduce anxiety levels. Another benefit is that it provides extra energy that can be useful during the abandonment process.


5. Passionflower and Valerian: Passionflower and valerian are two herbs that can help with irritability as they promote relaxation.



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