Eliminate dark circles, wrinkles and skin spots in a simple way using baking soda


There are various skin treatment products that can reduce the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, dark circles, acne and blackheads, but most of these products are very expensive and often come with Side effects.


There are some who undergo surgeries to look more beautiful and younger. But we have natural remedies that have been used for many centuries and can be just as effective as cosmetics, but with the advantage of being less expensive and without side effects.

What you need to know about baking soda:  

Baking soda contains one of the most powerful antibiotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it is able to provide thousands of health benefits.

Among the most important include: slowing down the natural process of skin aging. It hydrates the skin and regenerates it by increasing the production of collagen, which also allows it to fight against free radicals.

Eliminates urinary tract infections. It can easily get rid of the bacteria, waste and toxins accumulated in your body, which can greatly affect your overall health and thus improve your intestinal health.

Baking soda effectively fights tooth decay and whitens teeth. It is able to whiten teeth and eliminate harmful bacteria that lodge there.

Recipe of baking soda to take good care of the skin:


½ lemon

½ glass of water

Sodium bicarbonate

Apple cider vinegar

Of honey

Instructions :

Squeeze the juice of half of the lemon, put it in the glass of water and add the rest of the ingredients inside. 

Then stir well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. 

Then use this mixture to cleanse your skin, applying it to your face and letting it work all night.

Then in the morning with cold water, rinse your face gently.

Continue for a month, do it every night before going to bed, the effects will surely amaze you!



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