How to cure naturally cracked nipples during breastfeeding


All the mothers in this world would dream to have a baby, to feel it intheir arms, to cuddle it, to nurse it ... In short, this pleasure is

immeasurable and every woman is impatient for this big day. After the

ordeal of childbirth, the woman becomes sensitive to any detail and

seeks only to hold her baby in her arms and give him the breast to

observe with pleasure his face angel.


A newborn is a very sensitive person too, very fragile and to whom it is

necessary to give 100% of attention to avoid that it cries. Many factors can

make a baby feel uncomfortable, especially when he is not completely

satisfied with his exclusive breast milk.


The discomforts of the baby and his mother during breastfeeding:    


If a mother breastfeeds her first baby for the first time, it is very common to

feel some discomfort and terrible pain in the nipple and areola. Her nipples

become extremely sensitive, cracked, irritable, etc.


A new baby is not born with a mastery in taking breast. he is only hungry and

to feed himself, he can scratch the nipple and torture his mother's breast

causing him intense pain.


The child, at the time of breastfeeding, is not in a comfortable position to feed, 

the reason why the mother and her child feel uncomfortable during this process. There are many ways to breastfeed a baby and it is important for a

mother to know them all.


Very often, nipple pain, caused by the baby's claws and bites, discourages

mothers from breastfeeding their babies to substitute this technique with that

of the bottle. Nevertheless, nothing can equate the nutritional quality of breast

milk, the best food that you can ring with your baby until at least six months of



What to do in case of nipple injuries and how to avoid them?  


Cold compresses:  


Place cold compresses on the area of pain and change them regularly. This

will help relieve irritation and reduce inflammation and pain. You can do it

while the baby is sleeping.


Breast milk:  


Begin by washing the nipple with water throughout the area and apply the milk

manually to the sensitive skin where the injury is located. Leave on for 5

minutes, wait for the milk to dry and remove it with water to avoid the

presence of fungi.


Rinse with salt water:    


Prepare a small amount of saline solution that will disinfect the injured teats

and improve healing. Make a mixture of half a teaspoon of salt and boiled water. Wash the nipples for 3 minutes using pieces of gauze before rinsing

immediately with saline water for the next baby's milk intake.


Breastfeeding is a blending moment between the mother and her baby in which there must be no kind of discomfort or discomfort, especially since the

mother has to do it with pleasure and not with disgust.


Ma'am, it's not because your baby is biting you or scratching your nipple that you have to punish him by banning your milk. Take it in your arms with love and delicacy so that he feels comfortable while breastfeeding.


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