4 natural remedies against seasonal allergies!


Sneezing, itching, watery eyes ... there is really nothing fun about seasonal allergies.


For some people, these reactions can become more and more awkward and, in some cases, can make breathing extremely difficult. Here are some of the most popular options for treating seasonal allergies, they do not involve pharmaceuticals.


1. Nasal Rinse / Pot Neti:  


Neti pots are old instruments for rinsing the nasal passage. It is a small container with a spout used for washing the nose. The pot, ceramic or plastic, is used for irrigation of the nose and the elimination of mucus.


When you irrigate the nasal passages with warm salt water, you drain the mucus that blocks the sinuses, which reduces pressure and congestion and prevents the accumulation of bacteria that can cause sinusitis. This simple act also rinses allergens.


2. Fresh mist humidifier:


According to John Salerno, DO, a family doctor at the holistic wellness center "Patients Medica" l in New York: "When it's still a little cool at night and the humidity inside is low, the use of a cool mist humidifier can help eliminate allergens.

Water droplets bind to allergens, they become heavy and fall to the ground so you do not breathe them.



3. Raw honey:


Raw honey is one of the most popular natural remedies for seasonal allergies, and it can reduce allergies for a long time. So, check with your local producers and do some research to find the honey that suits you best.


4. Cider vinegar:


Another option against seasonal allergies is the use of cider vinegar. ACV is one of the best natural remedies for seasonal allergies! Taking a tablespoon of organic cider vinegar before going outside helps prevent seasonal allergies by blocking our body's histamine reaction. 


It also reduces inflammation. Just mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of hot water and a spoonful of raw honey.


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