Beauty treatments: the little known benefits of VINEGAR OF CIDER!

 Apple cider vinegar has long been used in the ancestral society to meet culinary or medical needs, but also to fade to aesthetic concerns. Even today, cider vinegar still meets the same needs, even if you know how to do it.


Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient to do anything. For laundry, in dishes, as a remedy ... its benefits are very diverse. But we will be particularly interested in his contribution in terms of aesthetics. Spots, black spots, sunburn ... rare are the aesthetic concerns that resist the action of cider vinegar.

Aesthetic benefits:  

1. He heals bruises and sunburns:

The application of cider vinegar on the bruises makes it possible to treat them quickly. In addition, if you place a towel soaked in cider vinegar on the sunburns, it will ease the discomfort.

2. It increases the hair:

Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar once a week, this promotes hair regrowth, strengthens the roots and prevents falls.

4. It treats skin conditions and eliminates imperfections:

You have to dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area. Leave it on all night.

4. Eliminate blackheads:

Vinegar has the ability to remove excess fat or sebum on the face, and thus prevents the appearance of blackheads. In addition, the malic acid it contains can prevent infections caused by acne and spots caused by pimple scars.

5. Reduces aging spots:  

Thanks to its alpha-hydroxy acids, apple cider vinegar is a great ally for the reduction of age spots that appear on the face. Simply put a spoonful of apple vinegar in half a glass of water and soak a cotton ball. Then, pass it on all previously washed skin and leave on for 30 minutes. Perform this treatment every day for 6 weeks.

6. It strengthens and whitens teeth:

Use apple cider vinegar to rinse your teeth, it will eliminate all bacteria and make your teeth white and strong.

Instructions for use:

If you plan to use apple cider vinegar for the aesthetic problems just mentioned, you need to know certain rules beforehand. The first is that you should never apply pure cider vinegar directly to the skin.

It is an essential condition to avoid the appearance of spots or an allergic reaction that may occur in the skin. Thus, you must dilute the cider vinegar in water before any form of topical use.

For example, to make one liter of lotion, you will use 250 ml of vinegar and 750 ml of water. As time goes by, you can increase the amount of vinegar but never use it without diluting it. In addition, before using this homemade recipe, shake the bottle well so that the ingredients can accumulate and have all their effects.


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