Endometriosis: These two unknown aspects can relieve pain and improve symptoms!

As a chronic, very painful condition, endometriosis is a condition that affects at least 6.3 million women and girls in the United States, over 1 million in Canada, and several million more people worldwide. It attacks the reproductive organs of the woman and it's time to face it .


Endometriosis occurs when female cells similar to those lining the uterus are found in other parts of the body. It is a very complex medical condition that very often requires surgical interventions. But, by making some appropriate changes in your lifestyle, this can go a long way to alleviating symptoms.


Endometriosis: How does this disease evolve?  


Endometriosis is characterized by an abnormal presence of endometrial fragments located outside the uterus. The endometrium corresponds to the tissues lining the uterine cavity. When the egg is not fertilized, the endometrium becomes necrotic (dies), is eliminated during menstruation and then renewed.


When these tissues develop outside the uterus, during an endometriosis, they can not be evacuated, which causes the manifestations of the disease. Endometriosis is a progressive gynecological disease that affects about 2% of women worldwide.


It is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, which sometimes ends up radiating in the lower back. Pains increase during menstruation, when urinating, when bowel movements are disturbed and often at the time of intercourse.


The pain may be accompanied by symptoms, such as difficulty getting pregnant, fatigue, irritability or depression, premenstrual brownouts or spotting, blood in the urine, blood in the stool or bleeding rectal during menstruation.


The symptoms of endometriosis can improve dramatically through simple lifestyle changes:  



Improve your diet to reduce pain:  


It is important to note that no change in your diet will cure endometriosis, but this may have some benefit when reducing inflammation, regulating estrogen production, as well as strengthening of the immune system.


So you need to improve your dietary fiber levels, reduce, if not stop the consumption of fats (healthy fats are not concerned), opt for organic products and not GMOs, reduce your gluten intake and replace dairy products with vegetable drinks.


Do exercises to relieve pain:  


One would think that with the sensation of pain, it would be impossible to make certain sudden movements or that by doing so, one could aggravate his condition. But this is not the case, the physical exercises are, on the contrary, very good in cases of endometriosis.


For this, some rules are to be taken into account, namely opt for the exercise that brings you the most pleasure and well-being possible. The goal is not to exhaust you, but to make the most of what you do. Do sessions no more than 10 minutes in a row. It must be moderate to relax while promoting perspiration.


You can go out walking, dancing or swimming. It is necessary that your heart pump well to improve the blood circulation. If you exercise regularly, it will lower the amount of estrogen your body produces. This also helps relieve pain.



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