Ginger and Moringa: a powerful blend that fights the most deadly diseases of our century!


Ginger and moringa have been used for decades to fight against multiple diseases and have always given excellent results.


Some recent studies have shown that if these two ingredients are used in combination and in the right portions, their therapeutic effect becomes more convincing.


How to prepare the infusion of moringa and ginger?  


Ingredients needed:


85 g fresh ginger

10 pretty green moringa leaves

A teaspoon of honey (optional)

4 cups of water




First, you must wash the ginger root well and slice it. Then, boil them with 4 cups of water for about 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and add the moringa leaves.


Cover and let stand for about 5 minutes. Filter the mixture and drink immediately. If you wish, you can add a teaspoon of honey to enhance the taste. You should take one cup of this infusion in the morning and one before going to sleep to treat any of the conditions listed below.



Properties of Moringa:


Relief from arthritis:


Moringa helps reduce inflammation with the anti-inflammatory components it has. In addition, it contains minerals, such as magnesium, iron, copper, potassium or calcium, which also help strengthen the immune system, and helps prevent various diseases.


Protection against cancer:


Moringa leaves contain chlorogenic acid which is known to slow down the actions of sugar in the cells. They also contain a particular compound, namely niazimin. This compound is an excellent anti-tumor and anti-cancer agent. Not to mention that moringa regulates the work of the thyroid gland and hyperthyroid problems.


Lowers cholesterol:


In an animal study, it was observed that the effects of moringa could be compared to those of simvastatin, a statin used to lower triglyceride levels and increase LDL-cholesterol degradation.


Relieves headaches:


Moringa leaves have been used in traditional Indian medicine to relieve headaches because of the anti-inflammatory properties they have. They have analgesic power to relieve pain.


Protects the liver:


Lethargic liver function can severely damage our body, triggering problems with hormones, digestion and even mental health. Moringa can prevent liver diseases, and restore the proper functioning of this organ.


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