Here's why you have to walk barefoot in the house rather than wearing shoes!


Although in our modern day society, it is permissible to enter any space with our shoes, there are still many cultures where it is required to remove one's shoes before entering a home.


For example in Korea, there are special areas inside apartments that are lower than the rest of the house. These areas are made to keep the shoes of occupants and visitors. In addition, it is also common that they provide comfortable slippers to guests during the visit. In the case of culture, there is also a much more important health reason. And we should all think to do the



Why should you walk barefoot in the house?  




Stop and think about where you walked today. Did you walk in a public bathroom?


Public bathroom floors contain about 2 million bacteria per square centimeter. Also, we are walking where thousands of other people have walked. Who knows where they were. In a local farm, at the hospital, visit a sick friend, walk on the subway. You do not want what is on the subway platform to end up in your home.


It is common for shoes to pick up loads of bacteria and materials that promote the growth and survival of bacteria. Do you really want all these bacteria on your floor, where your kids play? Common bacteria found on shoes include e.coli, c.diff, meningitis, and many other species.




There is a ton of toxins from the outside environment that can be easily brought into the house by shoes. This includes herbicides at higher levels than currently available on non-organic fruits and vegetables and lead powder brought with dust.


Think about it, if you or your spouse work wherever harmful chemicals and toxins are used, you bring these with you every day with your shoes. You work hard to protect your children from these chemicals and toxins. Do not destroy all that hard work by wearing your shoes indoors.


Floor wear and stain on carpets:


Any dirt that comes with your shoes is ground against your flooring causing wear and tear on hardwood floors and dirty carpets. If you want your hard flooring, it is best to remove your shoes from the door.


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