KNEE PAINS: natural remedies that will reduce pain IMMEDIATELY!


Do you suffer from knee pain? Remember to review your diet, because there are some foods that calm the evils and others that the empire. We offer you a list of foods to focus on to reduce your knee pain.


The knee is a joint of muscles, bones, ligaments, fluids and tendons. These, as well as the muscles, are the two elements that allow the knee to bend to walk. In case of inflammation or injury of one of these structures, intense pain is manifested in the knees.


How to reduce knee pain?   

If you have knee pain, consider consulting your doctor for the causes of this condition.


On the other hand, consider improving your diet because as already mentioned, some foods can calm your knee pain!


The editorial team has unearthed for you a selection of healthy foods and a natural remedy to alleviate or even heal your knee pain:


1. The fish  

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory power, the fish can reduce your pain significantly in a few weeks only, especially in case of inflammatory pain.

For quick results, eat fish at least 3 times a week.


2. Turmeric  

Originally from Asia, turmeric is a spice rich in antioxidants and is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. For centuries, turmeric has been very popular for its healing properties in traditional medicine.

You can sprinkle turmeric in your juices and smoothies, salads and vegetables.


3. The eggs  

Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, eggs are essential for the health of your bones. Eating eggs will help you maintain your joints and soothe knee pain.

Remember to add boiled eggs to your salads and sandwiches.


4. Olive oil  

This vegetable oil is rich in antioxidants and is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, sodium and potassium. It helps not only to reduce knee pain, but also to control blood pressure while providing an anticoagulant effect.

Olive oil can be consumed daily in salads, pizzas and soups.


5. The beans  

Beans have a high nutrient content, especially in proteins that are effective in calming knee pain.

Remember to eat beans several times a week to regenerate the muscles and ligaments of your joints.


Bonus: Knee Pain Remedy with Avocado Kernel  

Did you know that the avocado kernel can reduce knee and joint pain? Rich in fiber and antioxidants, the avocado core contains more than 70% of the amino acids that the avocado contains!

We suggest you use the avocado kernel to prepare a remedy for knee pain.



- 1 avocado pit

- 1 tablespoon of honey


Preparation and use:

- Grate the avocado kernel and mix it in a blender to obtain a powder.

- Heat the honey and mix it with the powder.

- Use the mixture at a warm temperature and apply the mixture on the knees to calm the pain.


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