6 stretches to relax your tight hips ... Efficiency guaranteed from day one !!


Tight hips seem to be a problem that affects almost everyone from professional dancers to bloggers sitting all day in their office. Your hip flexors are necessary for the long-term mobility and stability of your lower body. Keeping them healthy and well conditioned is essential for preventing hip, knee and lower back problems.


Acute or chronic pain in these areas may be a sign of a medical problem that should be treated by your doctor or health professional. If the root of the pain happens to be muscular in nature, it is important for you to understand why it occurs in the first place. When you have entered this, you will be able to take the appropriate steps to correct the problem.


Badly-known muscle group:  

Compared with other muscle groups, hip flexors are not well understood by the general public. This may be due to their lack of visibility, even when they are well conditioned. One is aware of their importance only when discomfort or direct pain is felt in the area surrounding the hip joint.


When there is an imbalance present in a number of these muscles, the lower back can easily be subject to twists and injuries. Corrective action is needed to reverse this imbalance and thus reduce the risk of spinal injury.


In most cases, people with lower back and knee pain usually have imbalances in the different hip muscles. For example, it is well established in the literature and among health care professionals that tight hips and hamstrings are one of the major factors in chronic low back pain.


Try the series in order, indicated in the second part of this article, to incorporate them into your routine on waking or before going to bed.

Here are 6 hip stretches to increase your flexibility, reduce discomfort and prevent injuries:  


 1- Happy baby:  

Start by lying on your back. Bend both knees, and hold the outer edges of your feet flexed with your hands. Keep your arms on the outside of your legs. 
Gently use upper body strength to press both knees to the floor under your armpits

Stay here for five deep breaths.


2- Large extended squat:  

stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Bend your knees, and lower your hips to the ground. If your heels do not touch the floor, roll up a towel or the back of your rug, and place it under your heels for support.


Bring your palms together in the center of your body, and press your elbows firmly against the inside of your knees. This will help open your hips even further.


After five breaths, place your hands on the floor and move them away from your feet to increase stretching in the hips and lower back. Hold again for five breaths.


3- Open lizard:  

In a lunge position with your right knee forward. Lower your left knee to the ground, and rest your hands on the ground under your shoulders.


Slowly lower your right knee to the right so that you sit on the outside of your arrowhead. Keep your arms straight, pressing your chest forward to increase stretching.


Hold this for five breaths, then repeat on the left side.


4- Wide legs:  

Place your hands on the floor opposite, making sure to keep your heels wider than your toes. Keep the soles of your feet flat on the ground at all times to protect your knees.


As your hips go down, you can support yourself with your forearms, then descend to your shoulders (as shown). If your shoulders are on the floor, turn your head to the side, and rest your cheek on the floor. 
Stay well for five deep breaths.


5- Butterfly:  

Sit on the floor, bend both knees, and gather your feet together. Using your hands, open your feet like a book. Use your leg muscles to press your knees down.


Lengthen your spine, pulling your belly button inward. Relax your shoulders, and look ahead. Stay this way for five breaths, then slowly bend forward, pulling your torso toward your legs. Remember to try to keep your spine straight.


6- Knee head:  

Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you. Bend your right knee, and pull the sole of your foot against the inside of your left thigh.


The right spine, touch your left foot with both hands, and stack your torso on the top of your left thigh. If you can not reach your foot with your hands, rest your hands on your shin or knee. Try not to bend your back.


Staying well for at least five breaths, relax your shoulders away from your ears. Then change to the other side.


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