Fermented beets prevent cancer, support heart health and stimulate your immune system. Here is the recipe ...


Beets as well as their raw juice are generally recommended in limited quantities because of their high sugar content.


However, once fermented, beets are among the healthiest and healthiest vegetables. For good reason, most of the sugar they contain is swallowed up by the good bacteria during the fermentation process, while leaving a multitude of compounds beneficial to health.


Beets stimulate the health of the heart:  


It has been shown that beets lower blood pressure by 4 to 5 points on average in a few hours. This effect is due to naturally occurring nitrates in beets, which are converted to nitric oxide in your body.


Nitric oxide, in turn, helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels, improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure. In fact, in medicine, nitrates are used to treat angina pectoris and congestive heart failure, and research shows that a glass of beet juice has the same effect as prescription nitrates.


Beets have powerful immunostimulant and anticancer properties:


The phytonutrients that give beets their crimson color also have potent anti-cancer properties. Research has shown that beet extract reduces multi-organ tumor formation in various animal models when administered in drinking water.


Similarly, beetroot extract is also studied for the treatment of pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer in humans.


In addition, beets help boost immune function through vitamin C, fiber, potassium and manganese, while betalin pigments and sulfur amino acids contain the support of the phase 2 detoxification process. from the body.


Why fermented beets are more advantageous?


Fermenting your beets rather than eating them raw gives you all the benefits of flooding, plus you can enjoy all the benefits of fermentation, with more good bacteria and more enzymes.


In addition to marinated beets and beet-infused sauerkraut, fermented beet juice, known as kvass beetroot, is becoming increasingly popular in the West. Kvass beet has a long tradition of use in Russia, Ukraine and other Eastern European countries, where it is consumed as a general health tonic.


Simple Kvass recipe:




1 clove of garlic,

1 piece of turmeric (more or less according to your taste),

1 piece of ginger,

1 small pepper cut into 2 (optional),

1 beet, cut into slices as finely as possible,

Salt water.


Instructions :


The preparation is to put in a large clean jar the garlic clove, peeled and cut in half, ginger and turmeric cleaned and cut in large slices, and also the chilli split in half.


Half fill the jar with salt water. Clean the beets and cut them into thin slices without removing the skin. Place them in the jar with the other ingredients, packing well. Slices of beet must be covered with salt water.


Add a weight to block them, close the pot tightly and place it in a cool place (at less than 20 ° C) if possible away from the light for a few days. You can open the pot from time to time to inspect it. The mixture must not rot, the smell must remain pleasant.


After two to five days, a little moss develops on the surface, indicating that the fermentation is on the way. You can then start eating it, such as plain juice or as a base for a soup or salad dressing. You can of course also eat

vegetables, it is even recommended.



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