According to this doctor: ADHD is a fraud, psychiatry turns normal children into patients!


Psychiatry has never validated Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a legitimate biological disease. Nevertheless, the myth of ADHD continues to prevail. Every year, Big Pharma diagnoses millions of children with ADHD, prescribing dangerous psychotropic medications, and most importantly very expensive.


Fred Baughman, MD, highlights the dark spots of ADHD in his book "ADHD Fraud The ADHD Fraud: How Psychiatry Makes Patients of Normal

Children." In this book, Baughman reports how teachers are likely to label a normal child as having ADHD in front of a doctor, and how Big Pharma is willing to make money by promoting this pseudo-disease.


100% FRAUD:  


With ADHD propaganda, we now see diagnoses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and many other disorders diagnosed in children.


We certainly do not pretend that children do not have real problems or never show disruptive behaviors. Many of them do, but they are almost always in response to adverse situations in their environments, which are controlled by adults, and not malfunctions in their brains, become scapegoats for selling drugs pharmaceuticals.


Children in need need real help, not chemical restrictions administered by adults who refuse to tackle the real problems. When a child feels sad, anxious or anxious, or in a bad mood, there is definitely something wrong, but it is not in their brain.


In general, it is rather us, the adults, supposed to take care of them and to be present for them, who are responsible for them, we behave badly towards these children, and then when there is a problem, we attribute it to a dysfunction of the child's brain.


Today, we have reached a sad threshold, where according to a study conducted by Yale University, 9 of 10 children who consult a child psychiatrist receive a prescription for a psychoactive drug.


In this constant sadness, the discipline of psychiatry serves as an arm of pharmaceutical companies that come to terms with them to invent for-profit diseases, without taking into account the real needs of children, their future or their lives.


We are told that this is done in the best interests of the children who suffer, a lie that goes beyond mere hypocrisy. Montesquieu provided an appropriate description of this state of affairs when he wrote: "There is no more cruel tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice."



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