She has eaten 3 dates every day for more than 5 years ... She has completely transformed!


As the favorite meal of Bedouins, dates are whole foods with hidden nutritional powers and we will reveal them in this article in the most minute details. In this article, you will finally know the benefits of dates for human health ...


Consuming up to 3 dates daily is a wise decision to boost your immune system and boost your energy every day. This special fruit is almost considered to be of Semitic origin, because today it is the Arabs and the Jews who promote it.


To eat dates every day?  


Containing dietary fiber in abundance, dates are special fruits with the power to strengthen both your digestion and give energy through their carbohydrate content. When you are diabetic or obese, it is better to limit yourself to the consumption of 3 dates per day, in order to avoid any complication.


By the way, Israeli researchers have discovered that eating dates every day can protect against atherosclerosis, a major cause of heart and brain attacks.

Professor Michael Aviram, a biochemist with the Technion-Israel Institute of Science, found that eating Hallawi dates daily for four weeks could improve the quality of lipids (fats) in the blood without raising the sugar level.


In the list which, you discover the 6 benefits that you will obtain the consumption of 3 dates per day:


Here's why you should eat 3 dates a day for a whole year:  


An iron tank:  


Dates are fruits recommended for the treatment of anemia, iron deficiency disease. On its own, a date is able to provide your body with almost 7% of the daily intake required. 


The iron in the body allows our internal organs to breathe better and

especially to provide us with energy for any physical activity. The more dates you eat, the more your body will be satisfied with iron.


Against diarrhea:  


A date contains a good dose of dietary fiber, calcium and sugar as well. Fiber and calcium is essentially for the health of your intestines and strengthening your digestive tract. Eat a few a day to eliminate your diarrhea.


For the health of your eyes:  


The further you go in age, the more your vision will degrade. To avoid this, it is imperative to maintain a regular consumption of dates, food containing zeaxanthin which allows, among other things, to ensure the health of your eyes and strengthen the vision.


For weight loss:  


Eating dates every day can lead to satiety of the body to prevent you from having small appetites at any time. Its carbohydrate content promotes a very flexible muscular work and helps eliminate calories in your body more easily than before.


To protect your cardiovascular health:  


The Israeli Institute of Technology "Technion" has revealed the results of an experimental study approving the effectiveness of pomegranate juice and dates to eliminate fat from arterial walls. 


In addition, another very recent study has shown that eating any food

containing a lot of potassium can prevent strokes: dates are perfect examples.


Regulate high blood pressure:  


Each food containing little salt, ie sodium, and a lot of potassium is likely to lower your blood pressure, a finding from a recent study that found the

effectiveness of dates to regulate blood pressure. 


Finally, dates are libidinal weapons strongly recommended to make your nights even more passionate. You just have to drink dates mixed with goat's milk.


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