4 reasons why a pregnant woman must have sex every day


Traditional beliefs, still prevalent today, assume that a pregnant woman should not have sex during pregnancy. But is there a valid reason for that?


On the other hand, there are several reasons put forward by doctors, which prove how essential it is for pregnant women to have sex every day. Here are a few :


1. Low blood pressure:  


You probably did not know it, but sex during pregnancy will help you lower your blood pressure.

At this point, you should know that oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, which is released during intercourse is a good pain reliever that helps regulate and lower your blood pressure.


2. Promotes a restful sleep:


During pregnancy, women often experience all kinds of discomfort, including back pain or frequent urination.

Thus, the hours of sleep become shorter. However, sex during pregnancy is a good way to get a healthy sleep because women feel more relaxed after having an orgasm.


3. Reduces pain:


You should also be aware that having sex during pregnancy will help reduce the feeling of pain during delivery. Some hormones, such as prolactin, estrogen, and progesterone, increase blood flow to the pelvic area, including the vagina, and also increase lubrication and sensitivity.


4. Strengthens intimacy:


Having sex during pregnancy will increase the intimacy between you and your

partner and this bond will remain unbreakable forever. Many men think that

women are very vulnerable during this period, and therefore they avoid sexual



However, that's not true. The truth is that during pregnancy, the release of

oxytocin, also known as the binding hormone, stimulates emotional

attachment and makes pregnant women more sympathetic, supportive and

confident. Therefore, sex during pregnancy will only increase your love and

you will be more than ever close to each other.



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