10 beauty tips herbal to have a glowing skin!


Red skin, also called redness, is a skin change that all women face. And there are many who go so far as to use some excessive methods to remedy this problem.


First of all, know that the redness of the skin is something quite normal. This proves that you have healthy skin. However, since it may be embarrassing, there are non-invasive natural means that we recommend you use instead of toxic chemicals.

1. Grapes:  

To add shine to your face, take some grapes and rub them on your face. Or, make a mask by crushing the grapes.

2. Cucumber juice, glycerin and rose water:

Mix together cucumber juice, glycerin and rose water and apply the mixture to your skin. It is also a very effective method. Use it before going out in the sun and after coming back.

3. Sandalwood, turmeric and milk:

Make a thin paste of sandalwood powder, a little turmeric powder and milk. Apply the mixture to the face, leave on for a few minutes, and see how your skin changes appearance. You will get a natural shine with freshness.

4. Honey and cream:

The mixture of honey and cream is also a great way to keep the skin soft and glowing, especially during winters.

5. Fresh milk, salt and lime juice:

Take fresh milk, add a pinch of salt and a little lime juice. Use the mixture to clean and open clogged pores of the skin.

6. Tomato juice:

Tomato juice, mixed with lemon juice helps keep your face soft and glowing.

7. Turmeric powder, wheat flour and sesame oil:

Make a paste by mixing turmeric powder, wheat flour and sesame oil. Apply this on your skin to remove unwanted hair.

8. Cabbage and honey juice:

Cabbage juice when mixed with a little honey and applied to the face prevents wrinkles.

9. Carrot juice:

Applying carrot juice directly to the face is a great way to naturally whiten the skin.

10. Honey and Cinnamon Powder:

Make a paste with 3 parts of honey and 1 part of cinnamon powder. Apply the mixture to the pimples and let stand overnight. This shows a considerable effect in eliminating pimples and reducing scaring.



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