4 vitamins that help preserve and heal the lungs from tobacco damage!


Tobacco addiction is generally harmful to health, but it affects the lungs more than any other organ in the body. Whether you are a smoker or a former smoker, there are those vitamins you must ingest to protect and repair the damage to the lungs ...


The best way to keep your lungs safe is to avoid cigars and limit your alcohol consumption. But if you are not able to comply with this, you must prioritize certain vitamins in your diet, so as to provide your lungs with the necessary elements for its proper functioning.


1. Vitamin C:  


Vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins for the functioning of the human body. But unfortunately, tobacco addiction helps to reduce by 25% the amount of this vitamin.


Helping to treat the lungs, vitamin C deficiency weakens the immune system, making you vulnerable to infections and other complications, such as wrinkles, insomnia, gum problems ...


For this reason, if you are a smoker, you must consume three times more vitamin C to treat your lungs after you have smoked. Foods such as kiwi, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, pineapple ... are a very good source of vitamin C.


2. Vitamin A:


Like vitamin C, vitamin A also plays an important role in the body, especially for the lungs. Also known as "beta-carotene," vitamin A deficiency also impairs the immune system. The best foods to compensate for this deficiency are among others plums, squash, mango, peach, pink grapefruit, lettuce, chard, watermelon, tomato, carrots and broccoli.


3. Vitamin E:


Vitamin E is known for its ability to reduce the risk of lung tumors caused by tobacco addiction. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant to preserve essential fatty acids.


It is found in large quantities in foods such as egg yolks, peanuts, coconut, cereals, rice, soy, broccoli, lettuce, Brussels sprouts or whole wheat bread.


4. Vitamin B9:


Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, helps build blood cells, preventing anemia. In addition, it also helps to heal the lungs and helps strengthen the central nervous system.


In addition, some studies have shown that vitamin B9 helps limit nicotine cravings, helping you to stop your tobacco addiction. You'll find enough of it in avocado, onion, garlic, soy, nuts, strawberries, grapes, lemon, carrots and squash.


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