Coconut oil is better than a thousand toothpaste ... Here's how to prepare it!


We can say that Science's radar has not missed coconut oil, the miraculous substance Mother Nature is really proud of. A new laboratory study shows that coconut oil is excellent for perfecting digestion, speeding up metabolism and regulating cholesterol levels.


Many people discover with amazement the usefulness of coconut oil against skin infections and for the growth of hair and nails, which gives it an exceptional place in our daily lives.


Here's how to prepare it:  


On the other hand, the effectiveness of coconut oil is today highlighted by its contribution to the improvement of oral health, especially to rid the mouth of toxins and bacteria, to whiten teeth and clean the gum.


To ensure the cleansing of your mouth and the health of your teeth, replace your commercial toothpastes with coconut oil, the best natural toothpaste that exists:


  • First of all, start by cleaning a bowl (the one where you put the baby food). 

  • Mix some bicarbonates of soda with a little coconut oil in this bowl.

  • You can add 4 drops of essential oil with an orange or lemon flavor.

  • Make a paste with these ingredients and wait until it cools.


To use this toothpaste, it will just have to put on your toothbrush and proceed to a normal brushing as you do every day. This paste will also clean your mouth and wash your butcher totally.


As for the bicarbonates, they will prevent gum disease and the appearance of caries.


To tell the truth, this new natural toothpaste with coconut oil will make you, almost, regret all these years of toxicity because of the industrial toothpaste ...


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