10 alkaline foods to help you prevent weight gain!


Nutrition is the key to any weight loss plan or even maintaining a stable weight. So, anyone who targets one or the other, it is essential to make good food choices.


So, one of the questions many people ask themselves is what foods have more calories than others. But, know that there are foods that you can eat as much as you want without gaining extra pounds.

Foods to eat to get and keep a healthy weight:  

These foods contain a lot of nutrients and fiber, and they will satiate you without making you fat.

1. Salad:

A lettuce leaf contains only three calories and that's why a lettuce salad is a great snack option.

2. Berries:

Cranberries and currants contain a lot of vitamin C. Strawberries are good for your heart and good digestion. In addition, gooseberry works as a diuretic and fights edema.

3 eggs :

Eggs are high in protein and you can eat them as much as you want. But, you should eat them boiled, not fried.

4. cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower:

Although cauliflower and diced cabbage are somewhat caloric, you should consume them several times a week as they can interrupt the iodine levels.

5. Pineapple:

Pineapples are rich in bromelain that promotes fat burning. So, if you want to lose a few pounds, you have to include pineapples in your diet.

6. Plum and apple:

About 50 calories are present in one hundred grams of apple and 45 calories in 100 grams of plums. Because plums contain a lot of vitamin C and potassium, they are excellent for your cardiovascular system. Apples fill you up and improve digestion.

7. beet:

Beet is ideal for regulating blood sugar, strengthening muscles and promoting fat burning. A piece of beet contains forty calories.

8. Zucchini:

You can regulate the water-salt ratio in your body by eating zucchini. In addition, zucchini promotes intestinal health, in addition, only 42 calories are contained in an average serving.

9. Grapefruit, Orange and Mandarin:

There are fruits that you should not consume in large quantities, but these do not belong to this category. These fruits contain flavonoids, fiber and vitamin C, which is why they improve liver function, digestion and satiate you.

10. Cucumber:

Cucumbers are 90% water. They are moisturizing, excellent in fighting swelling and excellent for keeping a healthy weight.



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