5 lazy tips that will help you lose weight faster!


There are many days when you are very motivated to exercise and eat a healthy diet. But to be honest, most of the time, we do not want to do anything. That's why we always like lazy tips, which do not require too much effort.


You have a lot of weight to lose and you say that you will never succeed because you lack the determination it takes? Believe it, there is still hope! you can lose up to 10 to 20 kg with these simple tips. 

1. Do not drink too many calories:  

The average American drinks 400 calories a day. It's a ton of empty calories that make us fat! So think about this the next time you want to have a drink filled with sugar. If you drink water instead, you will feel much better. You can also add fruit to your water for more flavor.

2. Avoid fast foods:

Processed foods are usually loaded with calories and are the main reasons why obesity is an epidemic in the world. It's so convenient! If you stop at McDonald's every day during your lunch break, put an end to it. Instead, take your meal with you every day!

3. Pay attention to your portions:

Most people do not realize how portion control can help them lose weight. In a 2004 study involving 329 overweight participants, 38% of them lost 5% of their body weight after serving 2 years of portion control. The study was conducted by researchers from the Summa Health System in Ohio.

You can reduce your portions by using smaller plates, bowls and even serve you smaller spoons. In a 2008 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, participants were asked to use ice cream in 17- and 34-inch bowls. The researchers found that people who used larger bowls used 31% more ice than those who used smaller bowls.

4. Get out of the sofa:

Lack of physical activity is the most obvious but overlooked cause of weight gain. People fall into the illusion of losing weight and staying slim with different weight loss diets, while neglecting the most basic rule, you must do exercises to burn calories.

You do not need an intense workout. In fact, you can enjoy a physical activity of your choice such as brisk walking, running, jogging, swimming, dancing, aerobics or cycling. Even gardening can be a great exercise because it helps you burn over 300 calories per hour.

5. Less stress:

Stress is also one of the most important factors contributing to weight gain because it increases the rate at which your body stores fat and reduces your ability to burn fat. The release of cortisol during stress increases the appetite, causing you to consume much more than normal.



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