5 natural and effective methods to ENHANCE THE VIEW!



Your eyes are precious organs, so you should do everything to protect them. But with the modern lifestyle, it can be hard to find the time to take care of your eyes.


Did you know that you can improve your sight without glasses and without lenses? There are natural and healthy methods that can help you maintain eye health and improve function.


Here are 4 simple and effective ways to improve the view naturally:   


1. Eat healthy  


A better view starts with your plate! Certain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamins (C, E) and lutein are good for your eyes.

They contribute to the prevention of related eye problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts.


In addition, a healthy and balanced diet helps maintain good health, which reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.


2. Adopt regular physical activity  


Exercises are beneficial for the health of the body, mind and eyes! A recent study has shown that people who engage in regular physical activity can lower their risk of cataracts.


On the other hand, another study pointed out that people who cycle regularly (at least 40 min, four times a week), have reduced eye pressure.


3. The sleep  


Sleep allows your eyes to rest, recover and repair themselves

completely. While lack of sleep can weaken eyesight and lead to vision



Take a break while you're at work: Rest your eyes for 10 minutes after every 50 minutes you've spent in front of the screen. If your eyes are tired, apply slices on the eyelids.


4. Wear sunglasses  


Wearing sunglasses will help protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays. In addition, it is good to know that excessive exposure to UV increases the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Go for glasses that block 99 to 100% UVB and UVA for better protection.


5. Do exercises for the eyes!  


According to Dr. Oz, these exercises will help protect your eyes and improve eyesight. You must do these exercises every morning and evening before going to bed, or when your eyes are tired.

Before starting these exercises, make sure your hands are clean:


- Massage of the temples:


Using your thumb, massage your temples with small circular motions at least 20 times in each direction. Repeat the same massage between your eyebrows and on the forehead. Then under the eyes.


- Warm up your eyes:


Rub your palms together, then rest on the eyelids for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times.


- Make the eyes:


Start by looking up, then slide your eyes slowly at least 10 times in the direction of the needles, then 10 times in the opposite direction.



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