5 morning habits that make you gain weight without your knowledge


In the morning when we wake up, each of us has our own ritual. However, there are some common habits that we share, some of which may be the cause of our uncontrolled weight gain ...


Believe it, some seemingly innocuous habits may be making you gain more weight than you want. It's time for you to take notice and put an end to these habits.


1. Do not enjoy enough of the sunlight:  


It can do you a lot of good to let you rock in the morning sunlight.

Still according to Plos One magazine, the blue light waves of the morning sun stimulate the metabolism and also help your body to get going.


So, learn to open the blinds or curtains immediately after waking. In the

review, it is indicated that 20 to 30 minutes of exposure to the morning light of the sun is enough to affect your body mass index.


2. Do not weigh yourself regularly:


Researchers at Cornell University have proven that weighing themselves daily is an effective technique that promotes weight loss. The best time to do this would be in the morning even before you have eaten or drank anything.


3. Skip breakfast:


Many people do not give much importance to breakfast and prefer to skip it, believing that it allows them to lose more weight. Which is in itself a big mistake, breakfast is basically the most important meal of the day, and eliminating it from your diet will not help you for weight loss.


Researchers in Tel Aviv insist that you should eat with a delicious meal in the morning. In fact, a balanced breakfast that contains 600 calories of lean protein, carbohydrates, and a dessert, will make it easier for you to follow your diet throughout the day.


4. Do not rebuild your bed:


It will probably seem absurd to you. What connection can there be between gaining weight and leaving his bed undone? A study conducted by the US National Sleep Foundation found that people who do their bed regularly are also the ones who sleep best. Still, a good night's sleep without too much abuse can be crucial for weight loss.


5. Too much sleep:


We often talk about the fact that lack of sleep causes us to eat more rations than we need, but sleeping too long is also not good for weight loss.

According to a study published in the journal "Plos One", sleeping more than 10 hours regularly causes an increase in body mass index. As a reminder, the recommended normal sleep time for adults ranges from 7 to 9 hours a day.



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