7 signs that prove you need to REDUCE your SUGAR consumption!


Most people think that only diabetics have high levels of sugar in their blood, and that they are the only ones who must limit their sugar intake. Which is not the case. We are all concerned with high sugar levels, and each of us must control our sugar consumption for our own well-being.


Of all the components of our diet, sugar is probably the most dangerous substance. When it reaches a high level in the blood, a condition described as hyperglycemia, it can lead to diabetes and other serious diseases, such as heart disease, kidney disease, stroke ... For this, you must learn to recognize if you have a high sugar level, to remedy it as quickly as possible.


1. The feeling of constant hunger:  


When you have high blood glucose, it prevents glucose from entering the cells. As a result, the body does not receive energy and asks to eat again and again. This is a vicious circle that can have significant repercussions.


2. Chronic fatigue:


Just like with the sensation of hunger, when you have high blood sugar, the body becomes unable to store and absorb glucose properly.

Thus, energy is used inefficiently, and body cells do not get the fuel they need. All of this leads to the fact that the person most often feels tired for no reason.


3. Urine frequent:


If the blood sugar is too high, the kidneys can not reabsorb the

fluid. Therefore, the body, trying to balance the glucose concentration in the blood and cells, dissolves the blood with an intracellular fluid, bringing the glucose concentration to normal. This results in frequent urination.


4. Infectious diseases:  


Urinary tract infections and yeast infections can occur in both men and women. Yet, they are more common among women with high levels of sugar. A large amount of sugar creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of yeasts and bacteria.


5. Dryness of the mouth:


A dry mouth and a strong sensation of thirst are responses to severe water loss. The hypothalamus, which assesses the level of dehydration and thirst, sends a signal corresponding to the brain. Of course, you can not refuse to drink, but it is better to choose water or tea without sugar.


6. Dry skin:


Dry skin can be linked to high levels of sugar in the blood for various reasons. These include excessive urination that dehydrates the body to the extent that the skin starts to dry out. In addition, damaged nerves can disrupt the normal functioning of the sweat glands and affect the hydration balance of the skin.


7. Concentration problems:


High levels of sugar prevent glucose from entering brain cells, so the brain also has difficulty getting energy. It negatively affects the speed of thought and decision-making.



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