Almond milk, good or bad for health? Here's what you're hiding


They are becoming more numerous, these health professionals who warn against the potential dangers of milk, especially animal milk. Should we definitely stop milk consumption? Not sure that many are of this opinion.


Some nutritionists see vegetable milk as an alternative to animal milk. For this reason, we present in this article almond milk, a vegetable milk considered beneficial by some, and considered dangerous by others. The reasons are explained in the article.


Controversy around almond milk:  


The virtues of almonds are indisputable, eating fresh almonds provide an infinite number of benefits to the body.

However, what about his milk "produced in factories"? Does it have the same benefits that almonds provide to the body?


Health experts do not agree on the subject. One party believes that almond

milk is a safe alternative to the animal milk we normally eat. According to

them, almond milk is more adapted to the needs of our organism compared to

animal milk. 


Like almonds, they believe that almond milk is both nutritious and

energetic. It contains plenty of vitamins, minerals, iron, quality protein and

fiber. So there is no harm in consuming it.




However, other specialists do not agree. They think that we do not find the

same components of almonds in the milk that results. They question the

factories of production. According to them, almond milk actually contains only

2% almonds. As for the remains of the 98%, they are a mixture of sweeteners, water, carrageenan, and vitamins A, D and E added.


Are we being ripped off by the dairy industries? This is likely to be the

case. These industries only think about making money and do not care about

our state of health. For this reason, learn how to make your almond milk at

home, it will avoid health problems.


Here's how to make almond milk at home instead of buying it from the supermarket: (Recipe)  


Preparing almond milk at home, there is nothing easier. Get "organic"


Let them soak in water overnight. The next day remove them from the water and put them in a blender, then add 2 to 3 cups of water. Mix until almonds are completely crushed. Then pass the mixture through a cheesecloth.


How to store your almond milk?  


So you have your almond milk. Put it in a jar and keep it in a refrigerator for preservation. Concoct it and enjoy it today!



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