Do you put glyphosate on your private parts? 85% of buffers contaminated with a carcinogenic herbicide!


Now, Monsanto's toxic herbicide has been found in 80% of feminine hygiene products.


Glyphosate, the chemical found in Monsanto's RoundUp herbicide and used on genetically modified cotton crops, is also present in the vast majority of feminine hygiene products.


The details of the study:  


The research team of the National University of La Plata led by Damian Marino revealed their research results last weekend. Note that such research would never be conducted at an American university because it was infiltrated and purchased by Monsanto.


As reported in the magazine "Revolution News," the team of Argentinean scientists found traces of glyphosate in 85% of personal care products and feminine hygiene products containing cotton and commonly purchased in pharmacies and supermarkets.


"The study examined a sample of pharmacy and supermarket products in the La Plata region, and analyzed cotton swabs, gauze and women's wear. The results of all commercial products detected 85% glyphosate and 62% AMPA (metabolite or derivative of glyphosate).


What are the dangers?


It is indisputable that the human vagina readily absorbs chemicals found in tampons. When these pads are made from OG cotton, this is the case for the vast majority of commercially grown cotton, they almost always contain glyphosate which is absorbed through the vaginal walls and enters the bloodstream.


Yet glyphosate is known to cause cancer, but propagandists are paid to cover the truth. It is a known carcinogen chemical, the World Health Organization has classified it as "probably carcinogenic", and many other studies clearly link it to a process of endocrine disruption that leads to cancer.


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