The oil that can stop cigarette cravings, fight infections and eliminate toxins

 The essential oil of black pepper is extracted by the steam distillation of black pepper. And like all essential oils, this process concentrates the active components in the peppercorns, providing the stimulating qualities of the nervous and digestive system contained in black pepper.


The antioxidant, antimicrobial and digestive enhancing properties of black pepper essential oil make it an important oil to add to your medicine cabinet, as do the most popular (and equally beneficial) oils such as Frankincense and Peppermint. and lavender. Here are eight ways that black pepper essential oil can transform your health, with specific tips on how to use it.


Benefits of black pepper essential oil:  


1- Stimulates the appetite:


While weight loss is a priority goal for many people, there are others who struggle with cut appetites due to a variety of health conditions, including cancer and depression.


The good news, though, is that black pepper essential oil can help restore appetite to normal levels.


In addition, because of the olfactory stimulation of black pepper oil, it can help patients with neurological disorders regain their appetite. Inhaling or ingesting black pepper essential oil facilitates the movement of swallowing and helps to increase oral intake of food in patients receiving long-term enteral nutrition (fluid supplements or tube feeding).


2- Helps detoxification:


As a pepper derivative, black pepper oil warms the body when applied topically, thanks to its active piperine component, which induces perspiration. It also increases urination and acts as a diuretic, eliminating toxins and excess water. This, in turn, fights swelling and inflammation and can lower blood pressure naturally.


3- Smoking cessation aids:


An experiment at the Nicotine Research Lab at the VA Medical Center in Durham, NC, found that black pepper essential oil vapor helped reduce the symptoms of smoking cessation.


The researchers noted that "the urge to smoke was significantly reduced

when using this oil compared to each of the other methods of control." They

concluded, "Cigarette substitutes containing pepper constituents may be

useful in the treatment of smoking cessation."


4- Has anticancer activity:


A Michigan State University study found that black pepper essential oil has anticancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, and that all its compounds (especially piperine) have the ability to suppress human cancer cells.


5- Contains antiviral properties:


As society has increasingly relied on antibiotics to fight infections, antibiotic resistance is on the rise in some bacteria. Fortunately, black pepper essential oil has antiviral activity, targeting bacterial virulence and reducing the risk of the bacteria developing resistance to drugs.


6- Reduces cholesterol:


In research on rats with high-fat diets, those supplemented with black pepper showed lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, with high levels of good HDL cholesterol and lower levels of LDL bad cholesterol .


7- Relieves aches and pains:


A 2014 study assessed the effectiveness of aromatic essential oils on neck pain. When patients daily applied a cream of black pepper, marjoram, lavender and peppermint essential oils to their necks for four weeks, the group reported improved pain tolerance and significant improvement in pain. in the neck.


The black pepper essential oil acts as a natural painkiller because of its heating, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It can also help reduce muscle injuries, tendinitis and arthritis symptoms.


8- Digestion of the aids:


Black pepper oil stimulates the secretion of acid, which is necessary for a good digestion. As such, black pepper essential oil can help treat IBS, bladder problems, constipation, diarrhea and gas.


Uses of the essential oil of black pepper:  


When looking for an essential oil, it is important to choose a high quality 100% pure oil that contains no fillers or preservatives. The essential oil of black pepper is better used topically or internally.


But be aware that when used topically, black pepper oil creates a warming sensation and should be combined with a carrier oil (coconut) in a 1: 1 dilution ratio.


Here are some specific ways to use black pepper essential oil:  


Use topically for:


Lymphatic circulation and blood circulation: 3-5 drops on the affected area with a hot compress


Digestion: 1-2 drops on the abdomen


Muscle pain: 1-5 drops in the affected area


Congestion: 2-3 drops on the chest


Arthritis: 2-3 drops on the area of concern


Detox: 2-3 drops on the bottom of the feet


Use internally for:


Digestion: 1-2 drops in a smoothie, soup, meal, etc.


Respiratory conditions: inhale or take internally directly from the bottle


Detox: 1-2 drops internally


You can also inhale or diffuse black pepper oil to relieve cigarette cravings, and of course, add flavor to any dish - one or two drops usually suffice.



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