Eliminate acne scars using these 7 home remedies.

Fighting acne, especially cystic acne, can leave scars that, if not properly treated, can last a lifetime. Some people discover that acne scars can prevent them from going out and being social.


Rather than run the risk of deep scarring that can only be treated in a dermatologist's office, it would be better to take the initiative to reduce the appearance of scars when first taken.

Here are more than 7 ways to treat your acne scars before they get worse.

1- Hydroquinone

 According to  The Strategist , products containing hydroquinone help to reduce the appearance of scars. Look for products containing a 2% hydroquinone solution.


Hydrocortison cream reduces inflammation and redness. Prevention recommends using it to lighten the appearance of fresh acne scars.

3- Alpha-hydroxylated acid

It clears the scars and exfoliates this skin at the same time. According to  Healthline, finding products containing this acid can help prevent scarring.

4- Vitamin C serum 

Vitamin C promotes collagen production in the skin, reducing scars and redness. The Strategist says to look for this key ingredient in your acne treatment cream.

5- The sunscreen

Healthline reminds people that the use of sunscreen goes beyond just protecting against skin cancer. The sun can actually make acne scars darker, so covering your face with sunscreen while fighting acne should become a habit.

6- Exfoliating

Removing dead and damaged skin and accumulating scar tissue can help reduce long-term scarring. Prevention recommends regularly exfoliating your face. Look for exfoliants containing salicylic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid.

7- Lactic acid skins

Healthline reports that a lactic acid peel every two weeks for three months can improve the texture and appearance of the skin, helping to reduce scarring.

Remember that "prevention is better than cure". Benjamin Franklin's expression may be what you need to reduce and prevent acne scars.



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