This woman has cured her HYPOTHYROIDIE with a natural remedy more effective than levothyroxine ...

Mary Shomon was about to get married when she started feeling chronic fatigue and even losing her hair. As often happens with new brides, her doctor assured her that it was due to pre-marriage stress. Except that Marie was suffering from a more serious health problem ...


Marie again consulted her doctor, since she began to gain weight to the point of not being able to put on her wedding dress. It was at this point that the doctor made a diagnosis that revealed that his metabolism had become slower, without determining the cause. Following this, the doctor advised him to make some changes in his lifestyle, to remedy the problem.


Diagnosis of hypothyroidism:  


On the doctor's recommendation, Mary adopted a healthier diet and also started exercising quite often.

In addition, she organized herself so that she could have enough time at night to rest well. However, a few months later, the symptoms were still there, which really began to worry him.


After thorough tests at the doctor, the cause of her symptoms was finally revealed, she had hypothyroidism. Unlike hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid is functioning more slowly than normal and produces insufficient amounts of its hormones.


It is usually caused by Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disease in which our immune system cells attack the thyroid and hinder the ability of the gland to produce hormones. The main symptoms are weight gain, sensitivity to cold, muscle weakness and joint pain, chronic fatigue, constipation, depression ...


In addition to conventional medications, Marie Shomon has had to resort to a particular traditional remedy to treat her hypothyroidism:  


Mary has been treated with Levoxyl, a medication that is usually prescribed for thyroid disorders as well as other medications such as Unithroid, Synthroid or Levothyroxine.


These medications are actually artificial thyroid hormones that can boost the gland and regulate thyroid hormone levels.


Natural remedy:  


After spending a year following conventional therapy, Marie was still suffering from symptoms of hypothyroidism. It is at this moment that she decided to switch to a natural medicine, the thyroid armor, a natural product based on the pork thyroid gland.


The thyroid armor is used for the treatment of hypothyroidism and helps treat thyroid cancer. Unlike other drugs used to treat these conditions, thyroid armor is a natural product derived from the pork thyroid gland.


Because the thyroid hormones produced by pigs are similar to those that occur in our body, the thyroid armor is able to supplement the supply of thyroid hormones from your body.


Marie and others believe this option is the best for treating thyroid disorders. Armour thyroid provides both T3 and T4 hormones, while synthetic drugs provide only T4 hormones. This makes the thyroid armor better than these conventional drugs.



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