7 Medicinal properties of mango leaves you do not know!


Called "green gold of Mali" or "tropical fishing", mango is an inexhaustible source of benefits ... Helping to improve eyesight, prevent cancer and promote collagen production for younger skin, this fruit is to consume without moderation! But did you know that mango leaves also have many health benefits ?!


Like other leaves, mango leaves are green in color. But these are rich in vitamins (A, B, and D), flavonoids, phenols and antioxidants.


Mango leaves: 7 medicinal properties available!  


1. Prevent diabetes:  


Mango leaves are rich in tannins and anthocyanidins, two elements that are effective in preventing diabetes, or even treating it at an early stage.

These leaves are rich in ethyl acetate extract, a component that contributes to glycogen synthesis and stimulation of glycogen synthesis, helping to treat hyperglycemia and alleviate the symptoms of diabetes .


How it works ?  


Remember to prepare a tea made from mango leaves: 

Let some mango leaves macerate in a cup of water for one night. Then filter and drink the mixture in the morning.


2. Help in the treatment of agitation:  


The agitation is often caused by anxiety. Considered sacred in Hinduism, mango leaves are often hung at the entrance to most Indian homes to dispel unrest and eliminate negativity.


How it works ?  


To soothe you, you can put some mango leaves for a relaxing bath, or sip a mango leaf tea.


3. Reduce blood pressure:  


Mango leaves have an effective hypotensive effect to lower blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels.


4. Relieving respiratory problems:  


People who are vulnerable to cold weather and have asthma and other respiratory problems may resort to using mango leaves. Mango leaves are perfect for calming coughs and breathing problems.


How it works ?  


Just boil some mango leaves in a glass of water, then strain and add a teaspoon of honey before tasting.


5. Preventing dysentery:  


Dysentery is an acute inflammation of the colon that is characterized by digestive disorders and bloody diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain. This disease is often caused by bacterial infections.


How it works ?  


The mango leaves are able to treat this disease. Just dry some mango leaves and grind them to get a powder. Then you consume it with a glass of water 3 times a day.


6. Heal burns:  


Mango leaves can soothe burns.


How it works ?  


Burn some mango leaves, then apply the ashes directly to the burned area. It helps relieve pain and accelerate recovery.


7. Ear pain:  


Mango leaves relieve earaches.


How it works ?  


You can use the infusion of mango leaves to soothe earaches. Just put a few drops in the affected ear for immediate relief!



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