8 exercises for firm abdominals and a flat stomach


Trying different exercises can help you determine which ones are best for your body. Although they are an excellent exercise to burn the calories of your abs, they can be quickly repetitive and boring.


Below, a variety of exercises that target all the muscles of the abdomen including your obliques and deeper abdominal muscles. Set a timer for 7 minutes and complete each of these exercises as many times as you can. Once the stopwatch is off, rest for 30 seconds and finish your second run.

Series 1:  

  1. The bicycle 40 times
  2. 30 seconds
  3. Straight leg lift, 20 repetitions
  4. Riding leg, 40 times

Series 2:

  1. Scissors 30 times
  2. Knee-chest crunch 20 times
  3. Pumps 20 times



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