Beauty tips: 5 uses of eggshells that you will be surprised to know!

 What do you do with shells when you break eggs? You throw them surely! What a waste, when you can reuse it in the best way possible, including incorporating it into your beauty care routine.


Eggshell is 9 to 12% of the total weight of the egg and contains pores that allow oxygen to enter and release carbon dioxide and moisture outside. It is composed of calcium carbonate, which is also the main ingredient of some antacids. Each medium-sized eggshell contains about 750-800 mg of calcium.

Prepare shells for aesthetic use:  

It is important that you prepare the eggshells before including them in your beauty routine. Here are the steps you need to follow for this:

- If you have broken the shells into two halves, place them one by one under running tap water to clean them properly. There is a semi-permeable skin attached with the inner wall of each eggshell, Try to remove it by washing thoroughly.

- Place the clean eggshells in a bowl to crush them completely. You can do it with your hands or use a grinder. But be sure to crush them as small as possible.

- Now, move them into a baking sheet and bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 150 degrees Fahrenheit. This will kill them germs and you could use them for beauty purposes without any worries.

In the second part of this article you will find five uses of eggshell powder as a beauty product, uses that you will never have suspected.

Here are 5 amazing aesthetic uses of egg shells:  

 1- Face mask:  

Beat an egg and separate the yolk from the white. Now, mix the egg powder with the egg white and whip properly. Apply it all over your face and let it dry. Then wash in cold water. This mask will nourish your skin and make it firmer.

 2- Massage for younger skin:  

This method is based on the previous mix, but you have to get a finer mix. Apply it, will prevent premature aging and get a young look. Massage your skin with this mixture using your fingers. Finally, rinse with fresh cold water.

3- Exfoliating for a shiny skin:  

For brighter skin, mix the eggshell powder with the egg white, leaving the texture of the dough more granular, rub your face for 3 to 4 minutes.  


 4- To soothe skin irritations:  

If you have sensitive skin, it is likely that you have rashes, irritation and inflammation from time to time. In such cases, egg shells can be of great help.

Just take a bottle of apple cider vinegar and drop some crushed egg shells into it. Soak for 4 to 5 days. Then, dip a cotton ball into this concoction and apply it to the affected parts of your skin.

5-For white teeth:  

Take some comfrey roots and combine them with an equal portion of freshly sprayed eggshell powder. Use this mixture to re-mineralize your teeth and restore their natural whiteness. In short, it will make your teeth white and you will have a beautiful smile.



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