Clean the cholesterol arteries using these home remedies!


Clogged arteries refer to a condition in which fatty plaque deposits

within an artery leading to the heart or brain, limit blood flow. This

increases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, such as



When the plaque forms on the inner walls, the arteries become clogged and

inhibit blood flow. The plaque is made of different substances that circulate in

the blood such as fat, cholesterol, calcium, cellular waste and fibrin. There are

natural remedies that help rid the arteries of these various bulky items.


1. Olive oil:  

Olive oil, especially extra-virgin olive oil, is good for heart health. It is rich in

antioxidants called polyphenols, as well as monounsaturated fats.


The unique combination of antioxidants and healthy fats help reduce LDL (bad

cholesterol) and improve your HDL (good cholesterol) level.

So, to cure plaque build up in the arteries, use extra-virgin olive oil for cooking

and for making salad dressings. You can even use olive oil instead of butter in

many food preparations.


In some cases, it is better to consume raw, because by heating the olive oil, it

loses its properties and decomposes. The heat destroys its molecular order to

the point of turning this fat poison for our health.


2. Garlic:  

An easy and effective way to clean your arteries naturally is to include garlic in

your diet. According to a study conducted at the Center for Cardiovascular

Pharmacology in Mainz, Germany, researchers found that regular

consumption of garlic can help prevent hardening of the aorta.


Garlic improves the health of your arteries by reducing LDL cholesterol. The

study also concluded that garlic has benefits for the cardiovascular health of

the elderly.


So, eat 1 to 4 cloves of raw garlic a day. You can also include garlic in soups,

stews, ready meals and salad dressings. You can even try a garlic

supplement if you do not like it. However, always consult your doctor for

advice on dietary supplements.


3. Oats:

Because of its high fiber content, eating oats also helps clean the arteries. It

envelops cholesterol molecules to purify the arteries.


Preparation of oat water:



1 cup oatmeal

12 cups of water

1 cinnamon stick




Start by introducing the flakes into the blender, cover them with enough water

and mix. In a large saucepan, add the rest of the water and stir in the oatmeal

and heat.


Once boiling, boil for 5 minutes then remove from heat. Add the cinnamon out

of the fire. Filter the preparation before eating. If you wish, you can keep it in

the fridge and drink up to one liter during the day.




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