The best natural remedies for tightening dilated pores

 In some people, the facial skin is so fat that acne and blackheads easily trace their path, however, the unsightly side is a little hard to bear, especially for women who watch, day and night, to the beauty and grace of their appearance.


Faced with this problem, there are many natural remedies that can transform your face completely by softening your skin by repairing dilated pores.

Here are the best ones:  

The Almond mask:

It will be necessary to prepare a paste based on the mixture of half a glass of almonds with water. This paste should be applied to the skin of your face for 30 minutes to make effect.

The clay mask:

For this mask, be careful to prepare it a week before its first use. Among other things, it must be applied to your face once a week. Its cleansing effect will soothe the skin of your face and remove greasy and dirty pores.

The mask of lemon:

For this mask, it is necessary to mix lemon juice and water and to use a cotton for a direct application on the dilated pores. After 30 minutes, wash your face with cold water.

Mayonnaise :

To tighten the skin of your face, prepare a mask made from a mixture of egg, mayonnaise and vinegar. Do not use for people with oily skin.

If you are looking for specific processes, exfoliation is a very efficient technique for tightening the skin of the face and reducing the dilation of its pores.


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