Get rid of fat on the back of your back and on your ribs in just 21 days!


Fat accumulates in different parts of the body, and this tendency differs from person to person. However, the most troubling fact is that fat deposits on certain parts of the body pose a serious health risk.


Some researchers have found that extra fat around the abdominal area increases the risk of cancer and heart disease. On the other hand, the elimination of back fat prevents back pain and injury, while improving body posture. So, for those who have cumbersome fats at this specific part of the body, there are targeted exercises that you can do to get rid of those fats.


Push and touch:  


This exercise will strengthen the upper back, shoulders and chest.

To do this, your arms should be on the sides, and the palms should be forward. Then raise your arms up to the shoulder length, with your palms extended towards the ceiling and hold this position.


Then, in a fluid motion, raise your arms over your head with your palms facing back and pat the ends of the weights together. Bring your arms to the shoulders, hold them a little and return to the starting position.


For best effects, make sure you do not move any part of the body. You should also do 3 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions.


Crossing the elbows:


It is an exercise that targets the chest and shoulders. You must start with the arms raised at the shoulders, and the palms up as with the previous exercise. Then bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle and pull your arms together in front of your chest until your elbows "kiss" and your forearms touch each other.


The shoulder should not be raised. Then you should go back to the initial 

position by reversing the steps. Also, you should repeat this in 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.


Hands inverted and crossed:


This exercise strengthens the shoulders and upper back.

Bend your knees a bit and lean your body about 45 degrees. Then you should cross your arms at the wrists in front of your knees and lift them slowly up to shoulder height. After that, return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite hands crossed. You should do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.


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