Get rid of moles, warts, blackheads, skin tags and age spots with these natural remedies

Our skin is the largest organ of our body. Human skin covers about 2 square meters and helps us adjust the body temperature and protects us from harmful microbes.


But our skin is prone to several disorders such as warts, blackheads, moles, skin tags, and more. They are not harmful, but can affect our appearance. For that, here are some remedies to treat certain cutaneous complications such as warts, moles, etc.


1. Natural remedy for warts:   


You can remove warts using fresh garlic. Crush fresh garlic cloves and rub them on the wart. Then, band the area for 30 to 40 minutes. You can repeat this procedure at least two or three times a day for a week, until she falls alone.


2. Natural remedy for moles:


Moles appear mainly because of genetics or direct sun exposure. The effective way to eliminate moles is to treat it with the mixture of baking soda and castor oil. Rub this mixture over the affected area and let it sit and dry before washing. Follow this procedure twice a day for a month and you will begin to see the result.


3. Natural remedy for blackheads:





Blackheads are one of the biggest enemies of our skin and can affect people of all ages. They are usually the accumulation of dead skin cells and dirt inside our pores.


Blackheads can lead to visible eruptions if they are not treated properly in time. The cure for blackheads is "cinnamon and lemon juice mix". Mix the lemon juice with the cinnamon powder and apply the mixture to the affected area. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.


4. Natural remedy for skin tags:


You may have all seen skin tags on your body. These are simply pieces of soft skin with a darker color. The best remedy for removing these skin tags is to use apple cider vinegar. Rub your skin with apple cider vinegar using a cotton ball. A burning sensation may be felt, but it does not last long.


5. Natural remedy for age spots:


The best remedy against age spots is to use the essential oil of rose hip. This oil is known for its antioxidant properties and its facial massage before falling asleep can have promising results.


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