Doctors can not find an explanation !!! These 10 foods can regenerate your bones, improve your eyesight and 70% memory ...

Some foods can improve your health significantly. We offer a selection of healthy, natural, cheap and easy-to-find foods on the market that help you regenerate your bones, improve your eyesight and boost your memory. Discover them without delay!


Here are the 15 natural foods that will regenerate your bones, improve your eyesight and stimulate your brain:  


These foods are both natural, healthy and delicious ... just add them to your daily diet to get the results you want!


1. Rosemary:  


Besides its pleasant scent, rosemary is one of the most powerful ingredients to boost memory and improve concentration. According to a study, the chemical composition of rosemary increases brain performance. Remember to spread rosemary essential oil or use this plant in the kitchen to flavor your dishes.


2. Green tea:  


Highly prized for its health benefits, green tea is widely consumed in China. Its benefits are well established! Green tea improves the cognitive functions of the brain and stimulates memory. To enjoy the benefits of green tea, take 2 to 3 cups a day.


3. Whole eggs:  


Rich in protein, eggs are full of choline, an essential nutrient considered a vitamin B, necessary for the proper functioning of brain cells. Choose the eggs to make your breakfast to start the day!


4. The fish:  


To improve eyesight, stimulate memory and strengthen your bones, opt for fish rich in omega 3. Omega 3 is a fatty acid that helps increase calcium levels in the body and strengthen and regenerate bones. Note that a deficiency of omega 3 can develop vision problems, poor memory, among others.


5. The lawyer:  


Rich in vitamins and minerals, avocado is a fruit that increases blood flow to the brain. Favor it by adding it to your salads and smoothies.


6. Cranberries:  


Low in calories, these little red fruits with a tangy taste are good allies health. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants that protect brain cells from aging and neutralize free radicals in the body.


7. The onions:  


Onions contain silica, a component that helps to fix bone calcium and thus improve your bone health. To fully enjoy the benefits of onion, it is best to consume it raw!


8. Whole grains:  


Rich in iron, magnesium, vitamins (B and E) and having antioxidant properties, whole grains such as oats, corn, or whole rice are whole grains highly prized to fight fatigue, strengthen the improve nervous functioning and prevent other health problems.


9. The tomatoes:  


Tomatoes have a high content of lycopene, an essential element to protect brain cells against damage caused by free radicals. Promote the consumption of tomatoes whether cooked or raw!


10. Dark chocolate:  


Rich in caffeine and antioxidants, dark chocolate increases concentration and stimulates memory. Do not hesitate to chew 2 to 4 squares of dark chocolate a day to stimulate your brain!


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