Here is what the pocket is in women's panties


Ladies, you have probably wondered about the usefulness of the little pocket in your pants! Well, this pocket is a protective lining against many ailments ...


This pocket helps preserve the intimate hygiene of the woman. It protects this intimate area against bacteria while preventing their proliferation. Moreover, for a protection assured, the doctors recommend the cotton breeches with this small pocket.


How to protect against infections and bacteria?   


The small pocket in women's pants preserves intimate hygiene, because the bacteria spread very quickly in the mucous membranes, causing infectious diseases and altering the vaginal flora .


The standard rules of hygiene are very simple. Simply :


- Wash hands before contact with intimate areas

- Wash intimate areas once or twice a day

- Give priority to cotton panties


On the other hand, vaginal douches are not recommended because they unbalance the vaginal flora and promote the proliferation of pathogens.

We remind you that the vagina is composed of a normal flora that is characterized by a bacterial diversity, it means that an imbalance can cause an infection.


Some precautions for an intimate hygiene impeccable:  


These tips are essential for good personal hygiene. Follow them to prevent infections and keep your private parts clean and fresh!


- After cleaning, you must dry your private parts.

- Wash the anal area last to avoid infections to the vaginal area.

- Wipe back and forth.

- Change the underwear daily.

- During the menstruation period, change your towel frequently.

- Wash the underwear at a temperature of 60 ° C or higher.

- Avoid antiseptics, disinfectants, scientists with perfumes and dyes.

- Avoid underwear and tight clothing


Recall :  


Pregnant women should adopt good personal hygiene to avoid infections that can affect the growth of the baby.


If you notice discolouration, odor or increased vaginal discharge, or if you experience pain, itching, irritation or burning, see your doctor as soon as possible.


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