How cannabis cares for broken bones

 It's not a secret. Medical marijuana is useful for a variety of ailments. It can relieve glaucoma,  reverse cigarette damage and improve lung health. It can even stop the spread of cancer by disabling the ID-1 gene. From now on,  bone healing should be added to the list of medical uses of marijuana.


According to a study published in the journal "Bone and Mineral Research" by the University of Tel Aviv, cannabidiol or CBD, a molecule present in marijuana does not produce psychotropic effects. It was used on rats with broken bones and healed more quickly after 8 months with cannabidiol than the other rats without the molecule.


One of the authors of the study, Yankel Gabet of the Tel Aviv Bone Research Laboratory, noted that cannabidiol accelerates the bone healing process and can prevent possible fractures. CBD improves the maturation of collagen, the protein that "keeps the body"


"After being treated with CBD, the cured bone will be difficult to break in the future," Yankel Gabet said. In research conducted by Yankel Gabet, CBD receptors stimulated bone formation and prevented bone loss. this could open marijuana on a treatment for osteoporosis.


Nevertheless, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies marijuana as a Schedule drug. This means that it is one of the most dangerous drugs and that it "currently has no accepted medical use and represents a high potential for abuse". It is based on the same basis as heroin and LSD.

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