How to treat VAGINAL MYCOSES with home remedies?


Benign but very common, vaginal thrush affects many women around the world. It is estimated that almost 76% of women suffer at least once in their lives, and 2% of them experience multiple episodes of this infection. So, if you too are concerned with vaginal thrush, the natural remedies presented in this article will be of great help to you.


Vaginal mycoses are not very easy to live with, the discomfort and pain are such that most often require urgent consultation with a doctor. These prescribe the most antibiotic drugs to treat fungi. However, you can also try probiotic foods.


Why choose probiotic foods?  


For the treatment of vaginal fungi, it would be more appropriate to opt for probiotic foods rather than antibiotic drugs.

The reason is that antibiotics kill bacteria, not bad ones, but they also attack good bacteria.


Indeed, the vagina has its own "hygienic system", known as the vaginal flora. Also called vaginal microbiota, the vaginal flora is the set of microorganisms found in the vagina.


It is this set that limits infections by creating competition with pathogens.

By taking antibiotics, you risk not only killing the bacteria responsible for infections, but also exterminating those who fight them.


In contrast, probiotic foods contain micro-organisms that are active in our gut and can intervene in the intestinal and vaginal flora, with strong benefits.


Here are the foods you must eat to effectively treat vaginal thrush:  


1. Garlic:


Regular consumption of garlic cloves may also be useful in the treatment of vaginal thrush. It is both an is an antibacterial and a very known natural antibiotic. This can of course cause bad breath, but it allows at least to end the effects of fungal infection, thanks to its antifungal properties that prevent this type of infections.


2. Oregano oil:


You can also use oregano oil to treat vaginal thrush. Capsules are one of the easiest ways to eat them. Just eat two or three during the day, after the different meals.


3. Apple cider vinegar:


Apple cider vinegar can be a good ally against vaginal thrush. The vaginal flora is naturally acidic and consists mainly of bacteria belonging to the genus Lactobacillus. It has a pH of 3.5 to 4.5 favorable for the multiplication of protective bacteria that prevent itching, fungal infections and other types of disease.


This is where apple cider vinegar is important. Because of the malice and acetic acid it contains, apple cider vinegar helps maintain a balance of pH levels in the body, and even in the vagina. In addition, it has powerful antibacterial properties, which allows it to reduce allergies and protect against various health problems.

To treat vaginal yeast infection with apple cider vinegar, you need 3 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably organic) and 6 tablespoons of pure water. Combine the apple cider vinegar and add it to the shower device to apply it to the vaginal area.


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