Rosemary oil improves memory, prevents cancer, improves hair growth, relieves muscle pain and reduces stress!


Rosemary oil has a distinctive woody fragrance and has been used for centuries for various therapeutic and beauty treatments.


The healing properties of rosemary oil have been exploited by the German-Swiss physician and botanist, Paracelsus. He was a strong advocate of herbal medicine in the sixteenth century and took rosemary essential oil because of its ability to strengthen the body.


Rosemary oil has been used for thousands of years to improve memory, soothe digestion and relieve muscle pain:  


This oil was considered sacred by ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Hebrews. Research shows that it can stimulate nerve growth and promote healing of neurological tissue and brain function.


It has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years to improve memory, soothe digestion and relieve muscle pain. Rosemary has the same radical fighting power as goji berries.


It contains carnosol, a compound known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Research published in the journal Cancer Letters, reports that carnosol shows promising results in the treatment of leukemia and cancers of the prostate, breast, skin and colon.


The four main benefits of rosemary oil!


1. Hair growth:


Rosemary oil applied to the scalp can help stimulate hair growth. According to many testimonials, rosemary oil could even help prevent baldness. Francesc Casadó Galcerá discovered that a mixture of rosemary hops and swertia increased hair growth by 22.4 percent, helped the scalp to heal and reduce hair loss.


2. Improved memory:


A study published in Neuroscience magazine evaluated the cognitive

performance of 144 participants using rosemary oil. According to the results,

rosemary oil produced a significant improvement in performance for the overall quality of memory and increased alertness.


3. Liver detoxification and gall bladder function:


Rosemary greatly improves the flow of bile from the body and reduces plasma liver enzymes. For this reason, the proper peristaltic activity is promoted by the gallbladder which stimulates the absorption of nutrients and helps to reverse or prevent toxic overload.


4. Lowers cortisol:


A study in Japan found that rosemary oil significantly reduced cortisol levels and protected the body against chronic diseases due to oxidative stress.


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