How to treat gout and relieve joint pain (uric acid and crystals).


Excess levels of uric acid in the body leads to their crystallization in the joints, and to the development of a condition known as gout. It is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation and severe joint pain. Older men and menopausal women are most at risk for gout.


The most common symptoms of gout include swelling, pain, and redness in the area of the big toe and other joints in the body. Here are some helpful tips to help you prevent gout and treat its symptoms.


Follow these tips:  


  1. Drink a mixture of a few tablespoons of organic cider vinegar with a glass of water every day to alkalize the body and treat the acute pain of gout.


  1. Add half a teaspoon to a glass of water and drink this remedy several times a day to alkalize the body and lower uric acid levels. Drink plenty of water to remove excess uric acid from the body.


  1. Increase your dietary intake of turmeric and ginger because they have potent anti-inflammatory properties.


  1. Consume vegetables and fruits daily, especially celery, sweet potatoes, brown rice and amaranth.


  1. Increase the consumption of pineapple, prunes and cherries as they help eliminate uric acid.

  2. Eat apples because they are rich in malic acid, which lowers uric acid in the body.


  4. Lemon juice is one of the best ways to treat the pain and swelling of gout because it alkalinizes the body and decreases the amount of acid.


  1. Bananas are rich in potassium that turns the uric acid crystals in the body into fluid and leaves the body in the form of urine. In addition, vitamin C in these fruits reduces pain and swelling.


  1. Avoid protein rich foods and purines.



Regular exercise lowers uric acid levels in the body and normalizes insulin levels. In addition, it will help you reduce the frequency and severity of relapses.


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