Stop throwing avocado stones: they are powerful anti-cancer!


Avocado is a delicious and nourishing fruit, excellent for health, and its core is also consumable (and most of the time it is thrown away) because it has more medicinal properties than the rest of the fruit. From sucrose, we can also apply it topically to treat skin problems as well as muscle and joint pains!


We will tell you how you can use avocado kernel to get the most out of it as a natural treatment for many diseases and, among other things, to lose weight.


Why the kernel?   


Normally, it is the avocado (speaking of the fruit) that we taste in the form of juice, but had you ever thought of eating its cores too? Personally, I never had the idea to eat avocado in the company of its cores, because it seemed to me that these are just useful seeds to repel other avocados and that's it!


Avocado is an excellent food, very complete, and we recommend you to consume it in the usual way. We also present you all the benefits of its core, because 70% of the amino acids that contain this fruit are precisely in the nucleus. It also contains more soluble fiber than any other food!


Here are 5 reasons why avocado seeds should be eaten:


  • 1. Rich in antioxidants

  • 2. Excellent for digestion

  • 3. Excellent for the heart

  • 4. Excellent for losing weight and regulate blood sugar

  • 5. Excellent for strengthening immune defenses


How should we consume it?  


The avocado's core has a bitter and astringent taste, due to its medicinal properties. In order to consume it, remove the thin brown skin that covers it, grated it and, optionally, make it grilling slowly. It will take a reddish tone. With this kernel so prepared, you can:


  • Prepare an infusion, boiling it for 10 minutes; then let stand 5 minutes and consume it all day long.

  • Use as an accompaniment to salads, soups, stews, rice or pasta dishes, etc.

  • If you heat it enough, you can then grind it in a coffee grinder and keep it ground.


Caution: Excessive consumption of avocado kernel can cause irritation because of its tannin content.


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