20 foods that will clean your arteries naturally and protect you from cardiovascular disease


Clogged arteries are one of the most common causes of stroke and heart attack. They block the blood circulation, so that blood can not circulate properly throughout the body.


In addition, many other factors can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, such as an unhealthy diet, stress, and lack of movement. But you can protect yourself by making a few simple modifications to your daily diet and reducing the risk of each heart disease.


Below is a list of foods and drinks that will help you clean your arteries from blockage:  


1- Orange juice


Orange juice contains a lot of antioxidants, which supports the blood vessels. It has, also, the ability to reduce high blood pressure.

You can get the ANR (recommended nutritional intake) of vitamin C by consuming 2 glasses of orange juice a day. You will improve your health and provide your body with the necessary amount of minerals and vitamins.


2- The salmon


Salmon is one of the most beneficial foods to consume. It contains a large amount of healthy fatty acids, which are found only in this fish. With them, you will be able to reduce inflammation, prevent high levels of triglycerides and reduce blood cholesterol.


There are other types of fish that you can eat and get large amounts of healthy fatty acids, such as herring, mackerel and tuna. Make sure the fish you eat is still organic.


3- The nuts


Nuts are filled with unsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids. They are able to improve the health of your joints and memory, as well as reduce cholesterol levels in your body. Almonds are recommended.


4- The coffee


The risk of heart attack can only be reduced by 20% by consuming 2 to 4 cups of coffee. But be aware that consuming larger amounts of coffee daily will cause damage to your stomach.


5- Turmeric


Turmeric contains a beneficial compound for the body. It is known as curcumin. Curcumin is able to prevent excessive storage of fat and prevent or reduce tissue inflammation. You can make tea with turmeric or add it to your dishes.


6- The persimmon


Persimmon is rich in sterols and fiber, which allows it to lower cholesterol levels. It has a sweet taste and is part of the "divine fruits". This fruit can be added to cereals and practically to all salads.


7- The cheese


You can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol by eating regular cheese.


8- Green tea

Green tea is able to energize and calm you at the same time. This tea is capable of this because it is full of catechin one of the most powerful antioxidants that can reduce cholesterol absorption and boost your metabolism. Consume 1 or 2 cups a day.


9- Whole grain


Rich in fiber, it can prevent blockage of the arteries and reduce the level of cholesterol. Some foods that are rich in whole grains, such as brown rice, whole grain bread and oats, are the only ones that can break the cholesterol buildup.


10- The watermelon


This fruit is able to promote the health of your blood vessels and also increase the production of nitric oxide. You must absolutely add this fruit to your daily diet!


11- Algae


Rich in antioxidants: carotenoids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of algae will reduce cholesterol by 5% and regulate your blood pressure.


12- Cranberries


These berries are very rich in potassium. If you consume the juice, you can improve your general health, reduce the bad cholesterol in your blood and increase the good cholesterol. Drink 2 glasses of cranberry juice each day and reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%.


13- Granada


Many phytochemicals are contained in this fruit, which can therefore improve your blood circulation and stimulate the production of nitric oxide. They can also be added to many salads.


14- Cinnamon


Cinnamon is most often used in teas and bakery products. But it is also able to fight high levels of cholesterol and prevent arteries from clogging up. A teaspoon of cinnamon on a daily basis will do wonders on your overall health.


15- Broccoli


Broccoli is able to avoid high cholesterol levels and lower your blood pressure because it is a rich source of vitamin K. You can eat it raw, boiled, or add it to your meal or salads.


16- The spinach


Spinach is able to support your muscle tissue, prevent high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack with potassium and folic acid in their leaves.


17- Asparagus


You can prevent the arteries from clogging up with asparagus, they can reduce high cholesterol levels and prevent inflammation. You can add it to your soups, eat it with potatoes or noodles or simply include it in your dish.


18- Olive oil


One of the biggest secrets to a healthy life is high quality olive oil. If you consume cold-pressed olive oil, you can reduce cholesterol levels and feed your body with healthy fat. Thanks to the regular consumption of this oil, you can easily reduce the risk of heart attack by 41%.


19- The lawyer


Avocado is a rich source of healthy fat, it is famous for its many health benefits. It is recommended to eat if you want to maintain a balance between your good and bad cholesterol. You can eat it in salads, with eggs or on bread.


20- Blueberries


These berries are the richest in potassium and their juice has the ability to lower dangerous levels of cholesterol and raise the healthiest. Consume 2 glasses of juice a day and you will reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%.



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