Say goodbye to wrinkles and stains using this Botox effect corn starch mask


Get rid of wrinkles and spots that you do not want on your face just by using cornstarch.

 In case you have doubts on the use of cornstarch mask, know that it is useful for all skin types, especially for mature skin because it helps to provide a smooth face, shiny, without stain or button, almost the same effect that botox produces but without side effects.

Corn starch against wrinkles:  

Ingredients for the mask:

1 tablespoon cornstarch

2 vitamin E capsules

300 ml of water

1 brush

1 container

Preparation of the mask:

Heat 150 ml of water in a container. In another container containing the remaining 150ml of water, add cornstarch and mix. Make sure you get a smooth and even mix.

When the water in the first container, heat without boiling, then add the cornstarch mixture that you have already prepared. Stir the mixture constantly until it begins to thicken. When the mixture thickens, add the two vitamin E capsules. Mix well and let cool.

How to use this mask?

When the cornstarch mask is cold, you should apply it to a clean face with a brush. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and dry your face with a towel.



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