Here is what is the pocket that is in the panties for women!


If you have ever wondered why your women's pants have a small pocket in the center, know that you're not the only one. For my part, I spent more than 30 years without having any idea of what this pocket could serve. Now that I am aware of it, I also take the opportunity to let you know ...


The first thing to remember about these little pockets is that they are not there by chance. They were designed for a very important reason, that of preserving the intimate hygiene of the woman. Find all the details in the rest of the article.


Protective pockets against infections and bacteria:  


The pockets in the center of the women's panties are used to protect their intimate parts against the action of bad bacteria, able to alter the vaginal flora and cause infectious diseases in the area. Thus, the pockets serve to prevent the proliferation of these bacteria.


In fact, it's not even a real pocket, but just a double thickness. Since panties are usually sewn together, a second piece of fabric should be sewn on the first piece to make a double layer, hence the pocket appearance.


This double thickness plays a fundamental role in preserving feminine intimate hygiene. While synthetic fabrics cause irritation, double thickness protects the mucous membranes from sweating and friction. It is therefore essential for the health and well-being of women.


Although these pockets preserve the hygiene intimate, other measures are also to take into account:  


The vagina is in fact endowed with its "own hygienic system", known as the vaginal flora. Also called vaginal microbiota, the vaginal flora is the set of microorganisms found in the vagina. It is this set that limits infections by creating competition with pathogens.


Contrary to the shared idea about intimate parts, when cleaned several times a day, it kills the good bacteria that provide protection. As a result, their decrease also increases the risk of infection. For this, you must take certain appropriate measures.


1. The choice of underwear:


The quality of your underwear can also play an important role in the health of your intimate parts. Some synthetic panties promote itching, so you should instead opt for those cotton that do not cause irritation or any kind of bad reactions.


2. Wash no more than 2 times a day:


As discussed above, washing repeatedly will help eliminate good protective bacteria. For this, it is recommended to wash only once or twice during the day. In addition, avoid washing the inside of the vagina, this greatly increases the risk of infections.


3. Avoid the soaps:


There is no miracle recipe for a clean sex. The only ingredient not to neglect is water, it is largely sufficient to protect the vaginal flora and not disturb its balance. Indeed, soaps neutralize the good bacteria and promote itching and infections. It is therefore advisable to wash with water.


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