7 Steps to Healthy Living - How I Healed My Headaches and Lost 20 Kilos!


Find the time today to take action and treat your body and mind for a healthy life! These are steps that I have taken over the years to get where I am. Sometimes it was not easy, but I have a lot more energy now.


Twelve years ago, I was sitting in a Starbucks sipping a glass of iced coffee with whipped cream on top, while taking a bite out of a very large muffin. I had 15 pounds too much, I did not like my job or my future, and I felt my vitality disappear. Besides the fact that I did not feel like I had any direction in my life, I ate as badly and usually had fast food or quick snacks full of sugar.


A j (am) our change comes:  


My man forever, my soul mate was new to my life. He totally loved me for myself. He was healthy, working and studying nutrition, but only for fun.

He said to me one day, "You know, you're really tired of your bike ride 


because you only eat breakfast cereals! "

I said, "What's wrong with cereals? "

"There is no protein, so your energy is quickly depleted. "


From there, I started reading the books he read and found that my junk food diet lacked protein and complex carbohydrates. It caused me chronic headaches and I had less energy and more weight.


It opened up a whole new world! Suddenly, I cooked at home, preparing full meals with delicious salads, stews, and even trying to invent my own recipes. I was at my optimal healthy weight. I trained almost every day at home, without a personal trainer pushing me.


And here is how I got there:  


1- Eat protein for breakfast! Start your day with energy and vitality. There are so many choices: scrambled eggs, chicken sausage (organic), chicken and rice leftovers, quiche, quinoa salad with almonds and chickpeas, high protein hemp pancakes, oatmeal, etc. .


2- Cook some things from scratch, using whole ingredients instead of packaged waste. Try roasted potatoes, parsnips or yams instead of wrapped pasta. Instead of dry cereals and milk in the morning, try making a quiche with vegetables on the Sunday before the work week, and then heat every day with strong cheddar sprinkled on top.


3- Find an exercise routine that is really fun for you. Do not skimp on this one, or pretend that you like it because it's fashionable. Exercise makes you feel alive and happy after doing it. Try HIIT yoga, paddleboard yoga, regular walking with a friend, Taikwondo, rollerblading, swimming, dancing, etc. Also choose something really simple and convenient to do.


4- Clean up your beauty routine of toxic residues, use organic and pure products. Most beauty products are full of chemicals, so be sure to find those who are vegan or certified organic so that you treat your body properly.


5- For any disease that does not threaten life, choose a natural approach to

healing. Try a naturopathic doctor or acupuncturist. These practitioners can

offer gentle healing methods and even nutritional advice for your



For any illness with your children, be sure to check with your doctor

before trying these methods. Any fever, flu or lethargic / strange behavior should be checked by a doctor or emergency room practitioner; Do not take any risk.


6- Give up soda and other sugary drinks containing caffeine. Replace them

with hot lemon honey, teas, cucumber water, fruit water, and more. If you

drink too much coffee (over 3 cups), try slowly backing up and replace with

green tea.


I stopped drinking coffee, so I know it's possible! I drink green tea

directly infused with very hot boiling water. It gives a boost of energy longer

without all the sugar and headaches of coffee.


7- Cut off the excess activity in your life. Evaluate your goals for your body, family, health, fitness and career. Cancel anything that does not support these goals. Practice saying no thanks to invitations that make you feel stressed or leave you feeling exhausted. Stress is a big part of illness and weight gain.


Tell me what you think! I know from experience that it's hard to change 

your routine, so do not be too hard on yourself. Take your time to

choose which of these simple steps you want to start this week.


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