How to detoxify your body with activated charcoal?

 With the tons of toxins that invade our diet as well as our living environment, it becomes more difficult for our detoxifying organs to carry out their functions. To give them a push, it is essential to follow from time to time detoxification cures with food and natural products harmless.


One of the best ways to provide effective and safe cleaning to your body is activated charcoal. Yes Its color can be dissuasive, but believe it coal is the product you need. Produced primarily from different sources of carbon, activated carbon is a substance capable of removing unwanted toxins, bacteria and heavy accumulated heavy metals in the body.


Detoxify your body with activated charcoal:  


Toxins emanating from processed foods and / or low qualities, GMO products, and even environmental pollution, these are the main sources of toxins that accumulate in our body.


It is important to help your body eliminate them to promote the health of the digestive system and that of the whole body. Chronic exposure to toxins produces cellular damage, allergic reactions, compromises immunity and accelerates the aging process of the body.


How to detoxify your body with activated charcoal?


Activated charcoal is available both in the form of powder, capsules and granules. The capsules can be directly chewed directly. Otherwise, add a teaspoon of activated charcoal in a glass of water. Make the mixture and let stand for 5 minutes. Then drink this several times a day.


Toutefois, nous vous conseillons de consulter un médecin avant toute utilisation du charbon actif. Car il arrive souvent qu’il interagisse avec certains médicaments pharmaceutiques sur ordonnance ou en ventes libre.

Sans quoi, le charbon actif est très bénéfique pour la santé, car il permet l’absorption des produits toxiques, de plus il peut également être utilisé pour soulager les flatulences et les crampes causées par le gaz intestinal, réduire le taux de cholestérol, éliminer les déchets d’azote et absorbe les toxines du tractus gastro-intestinal, du foie et des reins.


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