Why do you have to eat more slowly? 5 reasons to discover

Eating is an essential part of life. While the choice of foods we consume can have a significant impact on our health, the time we devote to consuming these foods may also have some unique effects.


Eating is not something that should be rushed, as it could lead to an unhealthy life. Simply eating slowly can reverse the effects of the unhealthy lifestyle, and bring many improvements to the functioning of the body.


1. Better digestion:  


It is well known that digestion begins in the mouth where saliva is mixed with food and begins to break down into small chemicals that can be absorbed and to nourish the body.


Therefore, by eating more slowly, you also take the time to chew your food, which promotes good digestion. Believe it, because digestion begins in the mouth to end in the stomach.


Thus, if the mouth accomplishes its part of work at best, the stomach will be as comfortable with what remains to be done. By doing this, it can help to save you many digestive complications.


2. We eat better and less:  


Eating slowly is a real step towards a healthier diet. Indeed, it takes a while for the satiety signal to reach the brain, it usually takes 15 to 20 minutes. So if you eat slowly, you will eat your normal ration.



By cons if you eat quickly, you will ingest more quantities of foods than normal. And once the signal of satiety reaches your brain, you will feel some discomfort in the belly, because you will have exceeded the normal ration.


3. Blood glucose is better regulated:


The glycemic index tends to increase when a food is too quickly absorbed by the body. The blood sugar is increasing rapidly. On the contrary, by eating slowly and chewing well, the food is absorbed less quickly and therefore the glycemic index is lower.


4. Strengthening muscles and teeth:


Indeed, by intensively soliciting the jaw, chewing guarantees a strengthening of these muscles as well as gums and therefore teeth. Moreover, thanks to the production of large quantities of saliva during this phenomenon.


the teeth are washed of all bacteria, thanks to the evacuation of the pieces of food towards the digestive tract. Chewing then allows strengthening and effective cleaning of the mouth.


5. We get rid of stress:


Taking time for lunch instead of swallowing a sandwich allows you to relax and chat with colleagues, a way to defuse stress by sharing a friendly moment.



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